In reality, I'm not too happy with Jones right now. Each week I purchase a little bit of wisdom from underneath the cap. Purportedly Jones Soda, "swiped these quotes from actual fortunate cookies." I guess plagiarism doesn't apply to fast food / convenient store destiny. Now to the point...
Last week my cap said "You will be successful in any gathering." I was happy with this one. I kind of felt like it talked to me. Not in a I-might-need-lithium-for-schizophrenia-because-I-hear-voices kind of way, instead it was a "seems accurate" kind of way. It was the day after my birthday celebration. I was feeling good and had a great time with a large gathering of people. I just felt that this fortune was like predicting the past instead of the future, but who am I to complain? The plot thickens...
Then I took the time to think back to two weeks ago. It said, "Learn about Bugs." Funny thing was that I had spoken with someone the night before that was studying Entomology. Coincidence? Maybe. But yet again, Jones Soda only told me this after the fact. I'm not saying that a bottle of soda has the ability to write in the answer after "pencils down" or anything, but it did seem a little less than prophetic. Moving on...
I actually got a little mad at my bottle cap. Should I care if my Soda is a pessimist? I am by no means limited by the insight of a pretentious 12 oz (355 ml) beverage lid. So I took action . . .
I went back to the store and bought another bottle for the sheer will of self fate. I read the cap and it said, "Now is the time to quit your regular routine." Now that's good advice. As part of my regular routine, I will no longer be reading my Jones Soda caps or taking advice from any pompous overpriced sugar-free colored water.