Friday, March 13, 2009

Camille Harp On Rise & Shine Oklahoma

Camille Harp is a talented musician, singer, and songwriter that I'm proud to call a good friend. Camille and I have been friends since high school and I always enjoy going to see her perform. This morning she performed with Ryan Engleman on local OKC KAUT Channel 43. It was funny to hear her mention being friends with Bobbie Miller (local news reporter for KFOR Channel 4).  We all used to hang out together and get into mischief.  Oh the stories I could tell on those two... but being the good friend I am, I won't mention them here. I always try to help support Camille when and where I can, so here's a modest attempt. The video below is her most recent performance from this morning for those of you who missed it (or outside of the OKC area).

Please visit to preview and purchase her CDs

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